How to Be an Interior Designer Mama
In the spirit of Mother’s Day, Ivy Designer Mamas share how they attempt to balance the responsibilities of being a productive and creative Interior Designer while also being a present and loving Mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
Ivy Designer Mama Jeanne Barber
“I balance design and motherhood by realizing neither will ever be 100% perfect. We strive for these magazine-worthy facades in design, and an Instagram-perfect family, but the reality is, life is messy and unpredictable. It’s remarkable, the things that emerge from that glorious chaos.” – Ivy Designer Jeanne Barber of Camden Grace LLC

Photo by Victoria Dosch Photography

Photo by Camden Grace LLC
Ivy Designer Mama Libby Barnes
“I have 4 wonderful kids, two girls and two boys ages 7, 9, 10, and 12. Juggling work and kids is a constant but worth it. I made the choice early on in my career to remain very hands-on and involved with my kids. The trade off is I am often cutting out of work a little early but then picking back up after my kids go to bed to catch up on the day. This ride of life has been an exciting adventure and there is no one I would rather be on it with then my husband and 4 kids. I am one fortunate person!” – Ivy Designer Libby Barnes of Piper Gray Designs

Photo by Whitney Gustafson Photography

Photo by Rick Machle of Rockin Media
Ivy Designer Mama Kari Campbell
“Being Mom comes first, but part of fulfilling that role is showing my kids what it means to be brave, creative, and passionate. I hustle while they are at school and then I do my best to shut it down in the evening so I can give them my attention, rather than my leftovers. I suspect there will always be a tension between laptops and laundry, but to me, each is meaningful and important.” – Ivy Designer Kari Campbell of Kari Campbell Interiors

Photo by Vicki Taufer

Photo by Vicki Taufer
Ivy Designer Mama Darlene Cohen
“To balance being a mom and running my business, Design Cache Interiors, I can only equate to walking on a tightrope sometimes…like wearing the proper shoes so you don’t fall…but look good. Seriously though, I wake up everyday with a positive attitude & make my to do – Mom List/DCI List. What didn’t get done, eventually does in the end. When it all comes together, it’s a success!” – Ivy Designer Darlene Cohen of Design Cache Interiors

Photo courtesy of Darlene Cohen

Photo courtesy of Darlene Cohen
Ivy Designer Mama Toraé Eastman
“I balance being a mom and an interior designer by organizing, scheduling and prioritizing. With that being said, I always leave room for the unexpected and emergencies. However, the best part of owning my own business is that my boys are part of the MGD team!” – Ivy Designer Toraé Eastman of Modern Glam Designs

Photo by Michael Eastman

Photo by DeVore Design, LLC
Ivy Designer Mama Lisa Furtado
“I spent years chasing work-life balance jumping from ‘mom’ to ‘professional’each day, trying to succeed in these roles separately. I now realize the two cannot be separated, especially when running a business. Today, I integrate home and work, without apology, accepting that I’ll need to make adjustments every day in order to accomplish the tasks at hand and give everyone the love and attention they need. A little to the left. A little to the right. Up. Down. And almost always upside down.” – Ivy Designer Lisa Furtado of Lisa Furtado Interiors

Photo courtesy of Lisa Furtado

Photo by Dean Birinyi
Ivy Designer Mama Casey Houston
“I manage to balance my Interior Design business and being Mom with a lot of help. It would be impossible for me to have a successful design business if I didn’t have my family close by to help with the kids. I love what I do, and I wouldn’t live my life any other way…this organized chaos seems to work just fine for us!” – Ivy Designer Casey Houston of Houston Design & Construction Inc.

Photo by Amy Denney Photography

Photo by GlamFlash Photography
Ivy Designer Mama Lindsay Kjellberg
“Wanting kids is what inspired me to start my own design company, LHK Interiors, 14 years ago. Now, my entire team is a group of wonderfully dedicated and art-driven moms, and they help me stay balanced. We have fun designing together, meeting with clients, and then running off to make time for school field trips and sports. I wouldn’t have it any other way!” – Ivy Designer Lindsay Kjellberg of LHK Interiors

Photo by Breanne Ash Photography

Photo by Breanne Ash Photography
Ivy Designer Mama Melinda Lewis
“My business and family motto are one and the same, ‘We rise by lifting others.’ Being a mother of 8, in order to have a successful business and a successful family, there must be systems, goals, and efficiency. I run my business like I run my family and I run my family like I run my business.” – Ivy Designer Melinda Lewis of Four Corners Design & Staging

Photo by Jon Peter Lewis

Photo by Jon Peter Lewis
Ivy Designer Mama Lauren McKay
“I left a great job at a great design firm for my kids. Starting my own company has given me so much more flexibility to be there for them when they need me, and it has meant the world to me! I work from home and get to see them so much more now. And they get to see me doing what I love.” – Ivy Designer Lauren McKay of Lauren McKay Interiors

Photo by Liszt Photography
Ivy Designer Mama Marcy Maimon Monheit
“As an Interior Designer and a mother, I am able to balance my life by scheduling client and purchasing appointments while the kids are in school. I do the office work from home and am able to squeeze that in at any time. I am not a TV watcher so if I’m not able to get the office work in during the day, I can do it at night or early morning.” – Ivy Designer Marcy Maimon Monheit of MM Interiors Inc.

Photo courtesy of Marcy Maimon Monheit

Photo by Michael Price Photography
Ivy Designer Mama Lesley Myrick
“I feel super fortunate being able to work from home and care for my 8 month-old daughter at the same time. I don’t know if ‘balance’ is the right word, but somehow, we make it work! I only answer the phone or book client calls during her nap times, and she often tags along with me on site visits. And thank goodness I have an amazing husband who plays an equal role so I can get out of the office and where I need to be, baby-free.” – Ivy Designer Lesley Myrick of Lesley Myrick Art + Design

Photo by Be Known Photography

Photo by Jeff Jones Photography
Ivy Designer Mame Megan Pape
“Being a Mom of 3 and an Interior Designer is a constant balancing act and takes dedication, commitment, communication and giving yourself the okay to say no every once in a while. I take great pride in raising strong, independent children as well as creating beautiful spaces for clients and I feel honored that I have the opportunity to do both.” – Ivy Designer Megan Pape of Lori Wiles Design

Photo courtesy of Megan Pape

Photo courtesy of Lori Wiles Design
Ivy Designer Mama Leah Scheppers
“Every day I set aside some time that is just for my little nugget, such as evenings of games and play doh or an afternoon at the zoo to make sure she has time where I am present and involved. And, of course, lots and lots of snuggle time on weekend mornings.” – Ivy Designer Leah Scheppers of Iconic Styling

Photo by Slice Studios

Photo by Slice Studios
Ivy Designer Mama Ashley Scott
“With two toddlers at home, it can be difficult to find a work/ life balance, but, my husband has really stepped up to the plate to help out. This means help with drop offs and pick ups at preschool and making sure that I can get a little bit of ‘me’ time here and there. I know, one day, I’ll miss this part, both the kids being young and my business too so I’m trying to embrace every minute of the chaos! It keeps things interesting, that’s for sure! ” – Ivy Designer Ashley Scott of Scouted Home

Photo by Nadine Bosurgi

Photo by Bree McCool Photography
Ivy Designer Mama Nicole Falsone Swofford
“I really don’t know that I have a perfect balance but I love that I can work early in the day (while my kids are in pre-school and elementary) and it’s a solid schedule my clients have graced me with. Kids get a break and Mom does too! I am a Military wife to a U.S. Army Special Forces Soldier, with no family close, so I have learned to be very adaptive, but scheduled. As a former Miss United States, I was able to present and address large crowds through my year in reigning. The schedule and many speaking engagements gave me a head start in the Social Media and Design word that would soon be my Career.” – Ivy Designer Nicole Falsone Swofford of Complete Home Staging

Photo by Wes Johnson Photography

Photo by Jenifer Fenel Photography
Ivy Designer Mama Jennifer Woch
“I’m a single mom of 2 boys, sole custodial parent, and I run an interior design business full time. I am always learning ways to find balance! I let every client know either via contract or verbally that I’m not available evenings and weekends and I stick to it. This is the time for me to be a mom and enjoy my babies. So, I’ve learned to not even check emails in that time! Family time is family time. The other key to balance for me is taking time to be grateful, to think about it, to wallow in it, to relish it!” – Ivy Designer Jennifer Woch of House of J Interiors

Photo by Christina Louise Photography

Photo by Ellen V photography
Ivy Designer Mama Rebecca Zajac
“Honestly I don’t have a balance, I just do my best and take lots of trips to the park without my cell phone. And wine, lots of wine.” – Ivy Designer Rebecca Zajac of Design by Numbers

Photo courtesy of Rebecca Zajac

Photo courtesy of Rebecca Zajac
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