Your Cash Position – Do You Know How Much Money Is Actually Yours?
Your Cash Position – Do You Know How Much Money Is Actually Yours?
Wednesday, February 27th, 12:30 pm ET / 9:30 am PT
As a designer, it’s important to know your liabilities at any point of your business, specifically regarding vendor payouts, sales tax payments, and IRS & state taxes. In this webinar, you’ll learn:
- How to properly manage your cash with a simple formula. We’ll review how to determine what’s actually profit or what needs to be paid to a vendor.
- The purpose of a balance sheet and how to properly read a balance sheet in order to analyze your liabilities. We’ll review how to identify what liabilities can affect your cash flow.
- How to feel comfortable about your money flowing in and out of your business. We’ll focus on operations expenses, capital expenses and cost of goods.
About Ivy
Ivy is the # 1 software and community for designers. Designers use Ivy to create proposals, generate tear sheets, invoice clients online, track & bill for hours, manage payment and furniture schedules, and more. To learn more about how Ivy can support your business needs as a designer, schedule a free demo here >
About Kimberly Merlitti
Kimberly Merlitti owns KMM Consulting based out of Washington D.C. Kimberly has 20 years of experience working in accounting for companies such as Swinerton Builders, WRNS Studio and Martin Group. She has her Masters in Accounting from Golden Gate University located in San Francisco, CA. KMM Consulting’s clientele include a diverse group of service based companies, with a main focus on small interior design, construction and architectural firms. The goal of her firm is to make the businesses she works for as profitable as they can be by educating them on accounting, cash flow management, tax deductions, project reporting, and business management.